10 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

In this video, we reveal the 10 signs you are eating too much sugar.

While it is tasty, sugar is addictive and eating it makes you crave more. It doesn’t take long before you reach the point of too much and this can have adverse effects on your health.

One of the scary things about sugar is that even when you try to steer clear, it’s challenging because a lot of the everyday foods you eat contain sugar.

Most Americans consume 3 – 4 times the daily recommended intake of sugar and this is bad news for your health and well-being. Sugar is known to cause acne breakouts, high blood pressure, depression, and a groggy feeling throughout the day.

While sugar initially boosts your energy levels, it doesn’t last long before you have a sugar crash and start feeling sluggish.

It’s best to read the labels on foods you eat and keep track of your consumption. If you haven’t been doing this, you will be surprised by how much sugar is in various foods that you never would have thought contained any at all.

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